Thursday, May 31, 2012

Is this a good thing?

Telephone rings.

Me: Hello
Charlynn: Hi, Carol, it's Charlynn.

Me: Yes, hi, how are you? (Charlynn is someone I have known for 20 years.)

C: Fine. I'm calling to remind you of our ward activity Saturday at the church at 5.

Me: Thank you. I am aware of it.

And I am ready to say good-bye. She's not. It's more than a reminder.

C: We need to know if you'll be coming.

Me: Don't know. (I mean, do I really want to go play "Minit to Winit? in the cultural hall? But I didn't say it out loud.)

C: Well, we need to know and especially if you're bringing lots of friends or neighbors, so we'll have enough pizza. And could you also bring a dessert?

I did not sign up to bring a dessert last Sunday because I didn't think I'd be going. And, therefore, I have not invited anyone to come along. But I didn't say that out loud either.

Me: I probably won't be coming, Charlynn. I might be too old for it. I'll let the kids in the ward have the night.

C: My sister is in her 80s and she goes to everything.

Me: Well, maybe when I'm in my 80s I'll feel like going.

C: We're having pizza.

Me: Yes, I know.

C: I really wish you would come. I don't want to be the only one there over 50.

Me: I understand. And I don't want to be the only one there over 70.


C: (In a horrified voice she couldn't disguise): I can't believe you're 70!

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