Friday, October 21, 2011

Schiess people and their musical ideas

I've been asked to get a choir or small group together and prepare a musical selection for Thanksgiving. So I chose the very traditional Hymn of Thanksgiving, long a favorite of mine. As I have been singing it around the house today, I remembered that Wayne and I sometimes sang it together. We left the tune alone but made a small modification to the words. As follows: (Hope you like it.)

We gather together
to gather together.
We gather together
to gather together.
We gather together
to gather together.
We gather together
to gather together.

* * *

Wayne also liked to sing "I Wonder As I Wander" a little differently.

I wonder as I wander
in my underwear . . .

Not sure if he ever finished it. But he certainly got a kick out of himself whenever he sang just that much.

Today it brought up a memory for me. It's my mother's uncomfortable recurring dream. She is wandering in her underwear . . . down at the Ocean Park Pier. People don't seem to notice that she is wearing only underwear, but she knows, and she is sure someone is bound to notice sometime soon. Poor Mama.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two Bits

  • Neti Pot. If you haven't heard of it, you will. I bought one and have been using it. It is a small piece of equipment that facilitates a sinus wash. You're thinking: gross. Well, weird is a better descriptor. But I'm kind of converted to the sinus wash concept anyway, and this is so much easier than snorting warm salt water. (Gross works here.) Would Wayne ever have used such a thing? No, as they say, way. But, then, his concerns were centered in another body system.

  • Yesterday I pulled the two unfortunate tomatoes off the plant and brought them inside. Quite green and not likely to ripen now that it's autumn. And it was supposed to be in the low 30s last night. They are now wrapped in newspaper and sit on my kitchen window sill. I should have thrown them away, but I just couldn't. I'll wait until they turn red, if that ever happens. Then I'll slice them, taste them, and then throw them away because I'm pretty sure they won't taste like home-grown tomatoes. No bacon needed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Some Days

Today I miss Wayne. A lot. I've been asking him where he is.

I just need him here to talk over a few things. It would help me so much. He always had a way of making me know things would be all right. I would like to hear him tell me that today.

Too bad.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's Sunday

Today is a great day. You should know there are such things.

I went to church. Sounds simple. Sounds small. But it was great, from start to end. So that a person comes away almost overwhelmed and filled with gratitude.

Awfully glad I was there. It was a blessing. I mean, a blessing.

And then I get a call from Alyce, sharing her experience in church. Another blessing. For me and for her.

It's a great day.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Small World, as they say

Monday I went to Curves in Centerville, Utah. A woman there heard me tell my last name and said her husband has Schiesses in his genealogical line. They pronounce it Schi-ess, like two syllables.

We exchanged contact information. I will send her what I have. You know, pedigree charts.

When I figure out how to email that kind of stuff.