Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sad, but . . .

not too sad.

It's about the two tomatoes. They have been sitting in my kitchen window, wrapped in newspaper. I came home from Pennsylvania at midnight last night--another delay in Denver, but that's a different story--and did not look at the tomatoes.

Too tired. Too afraid of what they might look like.

This morning I unwrapped the small one. Gross. Then the larger one (a relative term--they're both tiny). Grosser.

Good thing it's trash day tomorrow.

* * *
Johnny is still a redhead. Charlie is tall and very much a big boy. Edmund is priceless. Well, they all are priceless. But here's just one thing about Edmund. He sings. I mean he just sings to himself through the day. You would love it.

Charlie and Johnny went trick-or-treating with their mom. Edmund stayed home with his dad. Not by choice. He really wanted to go. Cried and cried. His dad kept promising "next year." Not a lot of help.

Eventually his dad took him upstairs, calmed him down, and convinced him he should sleep.

But I think Edmund will remember.

Halloween. It is kids, costumes, and candy. Hard not to eat a lot of candy when it's just sitting there in front of you. But those boys do pretty well.

Grandma's have to go home. And that is really hard.

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