Friday, June 24, 2011

To Each Her Own

Just back from visiting my friend Neide in the hospital--back surgery.

She told me about her student this semester, a woman in her 30s, wanting, says Neide, to be in her 20s like most of the class.

Cute, long curly hair, as in kinky curly, petite, but apparently lacking somewhere--like the good sense area. On the day of an important presentation to the class--and Neide said twice it was an important presentation--she came wearing what Neide called funky jeans, not particularly good looking, just funky and kind of dirty, and an ultra tight t-shirt with these words across the front: I'm a Hot Chick.

Made me laugh.

Also made me think of my t-shirt. Not ultra tight but I wouldn't wear it to an important presentation, if I ever were to make such a one.

My shirt is a tasteful black with these words in bright blue/green: Geezer Bait.

Yes, I have worn it in public. Three times. Well, maybe only twice. But I like it.

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