Thursday, March 31, 2011

When Worlds Collide

I have just come down after a rather frightening encounter with a raccoon on my bedroom deck. He was big--a beautiful animal, but that is quite irrelevant--and clearly not afraid of me. I do not know how I convinced him, or her, as the case may be, to leave.

And the leaving was very slow and full of some kind of thought. Like, if I wait long enough, the old woman will go back inside the house. And then . . . and then what?

I had hoped that turning on the light would frighten the animal. They are nocturnal, after all. Not so. Not frightened. Well, I was frightened, and I am an animal. But that's not the animal I needed to frighten.

I growled at it and made faces and other noises. I opened the door--but not very wide because I know they can hurt you--and yelled at it, told it get away. I slammed the door, hoping to scare the thing. It just crouched down and kept looking at me. Meanwhile, my heart is pounding.

Finally, it went over to the railing and slowly climbed down. One front paw clung to the deck and was the last to disappear. Then I had to come down to see if it was on the downstairs deck.

What is on my bedroom deck that is so attractive? I heard the thing moving around out there and scratching at my window. Why? Have they made a nest under my house?

I'm a bit creeped out.

What should I do? I had thought I might sleep tonight. Don't think so.

1 comment:

queenann said...

Raccoons like to find the highest point in their neighborhood and use it at their community latrine. So, your visitor was probably trying to find its way to the bathroom. Maybe your roof? Those decks make perfect ladders right up there.

That's right--you read that right. I just called that raccoon an IT. Oh I admit that it has maleness or femaleness just like the rest of us. I just submit that you need not feel you must make distinction. The raccoon's feelings won't be hurt.