Saturday, November 27, 2010

More from my mother

My sister said something the other day that came from my mother. No question about it. And I've never heard anyone else say it--outside our family. In fact, Lucile and I may be the only ones who ever use it now. And probably she says it more than I do. (Does all this matter?)

"It's cold as billy heck." (Or is it Billy Heck?)

No idea where it comes from, who Billy Heck is, or what. But if I hear it, there's Mama, right there in my, you know, mind's eye.

Also, if my mother ever said, "Far be it from me to . . . " whatever. It didn't matter what came after, I just knew she was mad.

1 comment:

Linda said...

It did sound familiar - so I went lookin - it appeared in The Grapes of Wrath - So Steinbeck had heard it somewhere. Check this site: