Saturday, November 21, 2009

It has begun

Look, I can't help it, but the 2010 calendars are already starting to stack up. I actually bought one; it's a Marilyn Monroe. I liked her, okay?

I guess I just wasn't thinking. Because . . .
  1. When I bought those big chewable vitamin C tablets at GNC, they gave me a calendar, not because I bought vitamin C, of course, just because I bought something;
  2. Veterans of Foreign Wars sent me one in the mail this week with US flags on it, thanking me for being a loyal supporter since 2005, can't throw that one away--because of the flags;
  3. My visiting teacher, Linda, brought me one yesterday--her annual gift--with pictures of flowers from Hawaii (she's Hawaiian), and the one for January is the Lehua, which is also Linda's middle name, better keep that one;
  4. I'm quite sure I'll get one from the bishop (supplied by Relyea Funeral Home) at tithing settlement, temple pictures and bits of church history and stuff;
  5. And I've asked Paul and Tasha for one like theirs from last year with pictures of their family through the months, and I want that one.

1 comment:

Linda said...

hmmm - Marilyn Monroe -- River of No Return has got to be my most favorite movie all all time!