Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Andrew Harold Schiess

If you think he likes his middle name, think again, and I learned just this year he's not crazy about his first name. Don't know how he feels about Schiess.

Andrew is 38 today. He went to lunch with his mother today. Her treat. She loves this boy, although she knows he is a man. He is her third son, fourth and middle child. And, of course, there's a story in that data. I'll leave it to him to tell.

Here's how Andrew's mother sees him. A good person, with goodness in him. That is not redundant. His goodness is manifested in the way he treats others with kindness. She thinks he is a good dad and a good husband to Michelle.

He is honest. He is intelligent and quite well-read.

And he is quick of wit. His brother Wayne says he is the quickest of all my children. (This declaration may get comments.)

I, Andrew's mother, have written elsewhere and elsewhen about the special bond I feel with Andrew because of his first difficult year, when for several months his poor stupid mother was starving him, not intentionally. But to her credit--my credit--she reversed that sad and destructive spiral. Good for her, and good for Andrew and thanks to him for his sweet temperament and endless patience.

Happiest of birthdays, Andrew.


queenann said...

I really love my brother Andrew. He's way more well-read than me, far more intelligent. Yes, quicker. But where he really has me beat, hands down, is guitar hero. What the heck is up with THAT?

Phyllis Miller said...

I spoke to Andrew today and he tells me something needs clearing up: he is not as well-read as is being purported. He has read a fair number of 19th century British novels, yes, but outside of that--not much. And a previous commenter has mentioned that he is "far more intelligent" than her. Doubtful. He carries himself that way (around his family, yes, but even more around other people) but that is not an accurate reflection of reality.

It is curious--yes, yes, curious indeed!--to see that years of going around insisting to everyone who will listen or pay attention that he is smart have now created the misconception that he actually is! Capital, Andrew! Capital!