Last night, around 3:30 a.m., a fire engine pulled up in front of Pecoras' house and stayed about an hour. Yes, I was awake. Besides, a fire engine is a big, noisy, vehicle, and the firemen left the engine running. This is not the real issue here, except to note that I was up and witness to it.
I saw two firemen go into the house. I do not know what was the matter. I do know that Ken is failing in health, and Shirley is concerned. I do not know if the problem was with the house or with someone in it.
Shirley is in her 80s, a slight, slender woman who is absolutely the strongest, fittest octogenarian I have ever known. She does everything. All yard work--and it's a big yard--all snow shoveling and blowing. And everything inside the house that needs to be done.
She takes her daily walk in the evenings, possibly after she has seen that Ken is in bed. Ken used to do a lot, but he does no more. This year, he has hardly come out of the house.
So, of course, my mind would go to him.
I heard the fire engine leave but did not see if they took Ken with them. I will go over and ask Shirley if all is well. You can't tell by looking at the house, you know.
I'll give her another hour or so.
* * *
I didn't wait an hour.
No one answers the door. I went over and told my neighbor Dave about last night. They and Pecoras have been neighbors many years. He did not see or hear the fire engine. No sirens, of course.
Dave and George were in the Pecora home last Saturday to give Ken a blessing.
After I spoke to Dave, he looked in the garage window. Shirley's car is gone. He looked in the front window. Ken is not lying on the couch. Dave will call the hospital and find out what he can. He will let me know.
I thought last night there will be a funeral soon. But maybe that's just how I think.
* * *
Ken fell out of bed in the middle of the night. Shirley called the fire department for help. It required three men to lift Ken. The ambulance came last night and took Ken to the ER. He is low on sodium and potassium. They will keep him overnight. Shirley will stay with him.
Sunday update:
Ken has been in ICU, is now in a regular room, is responding well and looking better. So says my neighbor, Dave.
Monday: Ken is now at Elk's Rehab. I will not keep updating.