Thursday, February 20, 2014

bbl is here

When we have a grand and great experience, it's hard to tell about. Words fail. They not only fail us, they just plain old fail.

I've had such an experience in Pennsylvania. Alyce. Labor. Delivery. Long. Hard. Very long and very hard. Then the miracle. He's here, and it's like he always has been here.

Benjamin Saxby Larsen. Born 2/9/14. That's a Sunday. Kind of a holy thing, you know.

He brought a lot of love with him. We felt it as soon as we saw him. His love filled the room and filled us up. It's true. We, I, love him immediately and forever. As I love his mother.

I am happy for her and Ben. That's her husband. I am proud of her, worried about her, worried about the baby, worried about everything, even worried about myself because I worry. I can't seem to help it. But I am hopeful about everything, too, and confident. I learned a lot about Alyce, my daughter, whom I do know well. But this is new and I love how she is responding to it, to her little boy.

His mother's little treasure
His father's little joy
Benjamin Saxby Larsen
Their much-wanted, long-awaited, very expensive, well-loved, blessed, sweet and precious boy.

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