Friday, January 10, 2014

Winter's hazards

Yesterday morning there was still snow and slush and ice on parts of the freeway--I-84. Around 9 a.m. a dense fog dropped down on this valley. I suppose some drivers proceed in situations like that as if nothing could or ever should impede their progress. And I know many drivers follow too close upon the car in front of them. 

All this is preliminary to my saying that yesterday's travel conditions led to a 46-car pile-up on I-84. Ten people had injuries requiring treatment at hospitals, and one had serious injuries (he's the one whose Subaru was clipped by the back of a big logging truck and dragged in under the truck. I have seen pictures of his car, and the miracle is that he survived.

The freeway was backed up and closed for many hours. Franklin road, used as an alternative by many drivers, also became backed up and was not itself great for driving.

Today I drove to Nampa and back, and I passed the Ten Mile exit and surroundings without trouble. You would never know any of this happened just yesterday. The freeway is dry today, and driving was easy. 

I had thought yesterday morning of calling Julie and asking if I could come over then instead of waiting until Friday (today). I had heard a weather forecast of snow and freezing rain for Thursday night and Friday morning. I did not make that call to Julie, something guiding me to say--and I said it out loud--"No. I'll just keep tomorrow's appointment." 

This, of course, before I knew of the huge chaotic incident (a word that does not sound serious enough) on the freeway.

I prayed this morning for the Lord's protection. I got it, and so did the rest of us who drove that road today. I am safe, and I am grateful.

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