Sunday, April 7, 2013

Who needs it?

I have just cleaned my broiler, which took longer and required much more work than cooking the one little steak on it for my dinner.

Yesterday I thought a piece of meat would be nice for my Sunday dinner. I rarely eat meat these days, beyond an occasional piece of fish, but once in a while, you know. So I bought a small tenderloin steak. It cost $16.99 a pound. My piece was $9.57. Yes, I am shocked by that and shocked that I went ahead and paid it.

But truly, I don't remember when I last ate a steak. At that price, beef, in the form of a steak, even once or twice a year is questionable. Good thing I don't want it very often. It was, however, a tasty and tender steak, and I did enjoy it. I had slices of red onion and slices of red bell pepper with it.

No, it's not that I am ashamed that an animal had to give its life so I could eat that meat.  BUT. Couple the pain of cleaning the broiler with the price of the meat and you have just one reason I don't eat much meat. You know the other reason. It's not good for me. I guess.

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