Sunday, January 13, 2013

No, I haven't forgotten

Today marks ten years, a decade, since Wayne died. Not that it is a happy remembrance.

If a person looks back, way back, she has to say she never expected to say or write such words. "It's a decade since my husband died." But so it is.

Must I say again? Yes, I'm sad, but I'm also happy. I suppose I must say it. So I have.

In this year, in the last few months, in fact, several people have considered me to be single. They have invited me to "singles" things--no crime in that; it's just that I never think of going to such things.

And in other contexts, people have actually said that word to me, like, "Since you are single," or something like, "How does a single person like you . . .  " and so forth. No crime in that either, I suppose, but it shocks me to hear such a thing.

Here's the deal. I'm alone. But I am not single. I am married, and if the Lord will accept us, will be married forever to the one man I ever loved. I hope he feels the same.

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