Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another Small Reason to Give Thanks

I have just returned from my weekly WW meeting, that's Weight Watchers, where, to my moderate satisfaction, I showed a .2-pound loss. That's after Thanksgiving, mind you. Moderate satisfaction was all I could feel. Utter joy would have followed a 1-pound loss, but any loss is better than a gain.

These end-of-year weeks are difficult for one who wants to shed weight, you know.

You notice the word "shed," do you? Yes, they tell us at WW that if you lose the weight, you can always find it again. True enough. I once estimated that between my sisters and me, we may have lost 1000 pounds over the years. And pretty much found them again. I do not wish to offend my sisters, but I think it's true.

Tonight I go to a party. There will be lots of food there. Saturday night is our ward party. Same thing. And no doubt there will be other occasions where the focus is eating. It's not a problem, just a challenge. That's me talking, not WW. And I have decided I will eat. It's the holidays, after all.

Here are some little guidelines I'm establishing for myself:
  1. Leave space on the plate. No heaps of food.
  2. If one bite is not to my liking, another bite won't make it taste any better. Don't eat it. Experience has shown me I really need this one. I mean, how many times have I finished a cookie that was not very good? More than a few.
  3. Maintain sanity, like don't go wild with eating. You'll have another opportunity, you know.
  4. No second helpings. I think that is possible.
  5. Don't let chocolate rule. Not entirely, anyway.


Wendy said...

I love your rules! Especially #1... Helpful since I'm going to the RS Christmas party tonight. Dips and Desserts the invite says.

Wendy said...

I mean #2.